Project Overview

Lets Plott is a relativity young based out of New Jersey that special lives in AR measuring tools. When I found them they were in serious need of a complete website redesign of their website as well their UIA

My role

Prototyping, UX & UI Design, and User testing

Tolls Used

Adobe XD, Figma, Mockup

The Problem

Lets Plott has two powerful tools for the construction and landscaping industry that can save a business thousands on a project. But with a powerful tool comes very complex usability. The business wants to push their flagship product so their needs to be high emphasis in comparison to any others they have. The task set before me was to create a platform that both educates new and existing users about the features and benefits of the app and products.

Current Live Site

Some Pain points

  • Site doesn’t educate the users

  • Feels more like a commerce site more than anything

  • doesn’t service both DIY’ers as well as Profesionals

  • not enough information on site for users to make informed decisions

The process

The first round of designs came off as too “Lowes” and not serious enough. Idealy the client wanted something that resembled more of teslas designs mixed with apple all while avoiding the market general construction colors

Getting to know the users

After receiving feed back I decided that the next best step would be to talk to actual users. The team and I went two several trade shows around the country to interview both business owners whom are and want to whole sale plots products as well as people who would buy them on the spot to identify pain points.

Iterating to hifi wrieframing

In round 2 of the iteration we decided to make the site way more information driven that image heavy as it was before and not to really sell the product on the site. This gave room for more information to be conveyed.


The Final Product